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Do It Scared // Stay The Course // kindness, always // creating just for fun // Courageous conversations
Graduated from the same High School my grandmother worked and retired from as a home economics teacher. Yes I took her class!
Took an intro to special education class and it changed my whole career trajectory
Tossed my cap, with a Masters in Special education, classroom here I come
Welcomed my first daughter. Fun Fact: She's studying to be a speech pathologist!
Left the classroom to impact more change at the state level.
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Welcomed my 2nd daughter!
Missed the kids, became a principal
Welcomed my 3rd and last child, spoiler, it's a girl!
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Started Fairgreen Consulting, an Educational Consulting Firm that specializes in Special Education Compliance and best practices.
A look back on the past decade that brought me to where I am today.